Aldershot and Farnborough Tramways

The ambitions of those involved in this standard-gauge tramway, both prior to its construction, during its 'stop start' operation, and even following its demise, seem to have known no bounds. Numerous schemes were proposed, rejected, modified, re-submitted and approved over the course of four decades. The only line constructed (and operated) ran from the London South Western Railway's Farnborough Station southwards along Farnborough Rd (the modern A325) to the junction with Lynchford Rd, which it then followed eastwards to the South Eastern Railway's North Camp Station. It thus served, or attempted to serve, the army's Aldershot North Camp, which was situated along Lynchford Rd.

Unfortunately, virtually every date associated with the tramway appears to be vague. It opened some time between 1881 and 1883, but closed after a short while, before re-opening again. From 1887 onwards, it would seem that only a single service a day was operated, over increasingly decrepit track, all of which stood in stark contrast to the owners' (and speculators') vaunting ambitions, which even included an attempt at electrification, a short length of bonded track being laid, but never used.

The tramway closed for good some time in 1906.

Given the extremely haphazard nature of operation, which at one time included the driver's daughters collecting tickets, it is highly unlikely that uniforms were ever issued.

Further reading
For a history of the tramway, see: 'The Aldershot and Farnborough Tramways' by John C Gillham, in The Tramway Review, Nos 36 (p74-96) and 37 (p98-101); Light Railway Transport League (1963).